
InSpec is carefully developed to objectively support and verify high quality ammunition production. Through single source laser triangulation, telecentric lenses and high resolution cameras, we can guarantee accurate inspection of bullets, cases and cartridges, free from multiple sources of miscalculations.


Our robot guidance system FINDER was introduced to the market in 2011, and as of today we have installed more than 500 robot guidance systems in the manufacturing industry. At the core of FINDER lies its flexibility, ease-of-use, and adaptability to meet customer needs.

Vision Inspection

Mabema offers cost effective turn-key solutions in the automatic inspection field. We use traditional machine vision and cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate critical steps in the production chain, spanning from presence detection to locating defects in complex patterns.


Our GPV system uses advanced camera-laser technology and AI to precisely measure the volume of timber piles as they journey from the dense Swedish forests to sawmills and pulp mills. The results include height, length, width and diameters of the logs, as well as the solid under bark volume.

Our camera technology and advanced image processing solutions are used in the four business areas Ammo, Robot Vision, Vision Inspection and Wood. With our expertise, we assist clients increase productivity and improve product quality.

Our machine vision systems eliminate monotonous labor, such as quality control and production monitoring. In addition to complete machine vision systems, our extensive network of qualified strategic partners, enable us to deliver turnkey solutions.

Naturally, our services also include feasibility studies, overhaul, maintenance, consultancy assignments, training and supply of components and spare parts.