Our GPV system was introduced to the market in 2015 and uses advanced camera technology, laser triangulation, image processing, and AI to accurately measure the stack volume of roundwood. The GPV system measures the stack’s solid volume under bark (m³sub) and partial results such as height, length, width, solid volume percentage, and diameter distribution.
In 2024, we will deliver our 12th GPV system and measure over 10 million m³sub per year. The quality assessment is currently carried out via Biometria’s remote measurement centers, but we are driving the methodology of stack measurement towards full automation. In 2024, AI methods will be launched to automatically determine tree species distribution and log length on the outer parts of the stack.
Some of those who have chosen GPV for stack measurement of timber and pulpwood

Unmatched precision, efficiency and quality.
To maintain the reliability of our measurement results, Biometria performs random quality tests. These quality tests involve manually measuring each log in the stack to obtain exact data on volume and diameter distribution. When compared, the results from the random quality tests of the GPV system show an average error of less than 1%. Our GPV system operates around the clock with high availability. At the largest sites, we measure over 10,000 stacks each month.

In Sweden the results are directly linked with the Biometria nationwide superior system IRIS*.
*) IRIS system is used to remote supervise the measurements and payload data.
How does the GPV system work?
The measurement process involves six camera-laser pairs and six high-resolution color cameras carefully placed in a 20-meter-long tent. Upon arrival, the truck driver registers themselves via a screen located at the entrance of the tent.
The truck then drives through the tent at a low speed, and the 12 cameras take over 6000 images per second. When the truck has passed through the tent, all the images are 3D calibrated together, and advanced image processing locates stacks and visible logs. With digital arrival verification, the measurement and all partial results are ready about 30 seconds after the imaging is completed. The result is presented on another screen after the tent, and after a quick initial approval from Biometria’s remote measurement centers, the driver can unload. The entire procedure takes about 90 seconds.